I am far from a fitness blogger, I am just an average person that packed a couple of kilograms being happily on love and enjoying life.  I travel a lot for work which, that combined with being in love and happy… probably not the best combination.

When I first started my job I was seriously disciplined, I wouldn’t enjoy the hotel breakfast spreads, I would go for a run every day or hit the hotel gym, no matter how average it was. After all any workout is better than no work out. I would eat in the lounges and then again on the plane, the champagne flowed and No wasn’t a word I like to use when I comes to champagne, after all it’s just so delicious.

The weight crept on slowly, a couple of grams here, a couple of grams there, yes the pants were a little tighter and the buttons on my shirts pulled a little more, and when they did I would just eat better for a while, maybe go to the gym and they would be ok again or good enough until the next event or trip.

It crazy how the mind works and in December I decided I was adamant that when I returned in Jan from holiday that it was time to get my ass into gear. As any fashion “blogger” does I went and bought all new gym clothes to get me motivated. I went all out, a good 5 new outfits, new running shoes and a new mind-set. The day after landing back from London it was salad and water time, it was treadmill time and time for a better way of life.

I have always loved going to Movement X, so they day they opened I was back in full swing, the first week was killer, the second week I wasn’t sure If I wanted to carry on, but as the weight started dropping off it became easier. As I started to see the weigh change on the scale and my clothes started fitting me better it was serious motivator. I now go to Movement X a minimum of 4 times a week, Monday to Thursday is a no brainier, it’s a little harder to get out of bed on a Saturday morning, and so we are working on that.

They always say never miss a Monday and I believe in it, even if I have had a long day at work and the thought of the couch is way more exciting that sprints and inclines on a treadmill, I drag my ass to that classes and within 5 minutes I am loving it. The people and the vibe are serious motivators to get you into it. So this is for all the crazies on the treadmill next to me, thanks for the motivation. Let’s smash 2019.

Il also keep you up to date as to how it goes when my first business trips comes along, farewell hotel breakfast and hello to city runs and hotel room squats.