For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to be on GQ’s  Best Dressed men list . I didn’t even mind where on the list it was, I just wanted to be on the list. Last night that all changed.It all happened at the GQ Best Dressed Men 2016  – In association with Jameson Select Reserve.

I got a mail from GQ a couple of weeks back saying “We’ve been keeping an eye on you over the last year or so and feel strongly that you embody all the qualities expected of a Best Dressed Man”, this sentence alone sent pure joy through my entire body. I was in London when I read this and ordered a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

Last night a goal, dream whatever you want to call it came true; I made it onto the list. Not only did I make it onto the list, I made it into the Top Ten. I was happy, over the moon but nothing shocked me more as when they started announcing the Top Ten only to find out I came in fourth. YES fourth out of many other well dressed, dapper gentlemen.

Over the years I have come to know what works for me and what I like. All of these aspects boost my confidence allowing me to push the boundaries a little when it comes to fashion. Clothes are not just clothes. Clothes are an extension of your personality. They are a feeling, an emotion, they are a first impression. Fashion is an individual game that you play daily; why not have fun doing it.

I am honoured to be in the Top Ten with other gentlemen that push the boundaries, know how to look good and are not sorry for doing so.

See more about the Top 10 here GQBD Top Ten

Taken from my shoot with GQ