Men’s grooming is on the rise more than ever, Men have finally started taking an interest in their hair, nails and facial care. The modern man has their hair stylist on speed dial, is not scared of a manicure and indulges in facials. Skin care has shifted from a one stop shower gel to do all the work but extended into products for everything. I have an array of products that keep me groomed on a daily basis.  Over the past couple of years I have had to pay careful attention to my face and skin. Extended hours on planes, multiple cities with various climates and the fast paced living from planes to meetings, leaves your skin lacking any luster. Don’t look at skincare as a chore, it needs to be looked at as an investment.

Yes gents… an investment, you need to look after it, after all it’s with you for life.


You need to right tools to get the job done properly, and my tool kit is full. Here’s what my took kit consists of, I use these on a daily basis, they keep my skin look fresh and healthy.



·         The Ultimate Brushless Shave Cream

·         Facial Fuel Energizing Face Wash

·         Facial Fuel energising moisturiser

·         Ultra Facial Toner


I have, well Kiehl’s has two secret weapons that I swear by. When I travel I wash my face on-board before I go to bed and use the Midnight Recovery Oil. Kiehl’s describe the oil as “A replenishing night-time facial oil with distilled botanicals that visibly restores the appearance of skin by morning.”

I describe it as a miracle in a bottle.  A little Midnight recovery eye cream before bed and the Facial Fuel Eye de-puffer makes me look and feel like a million dollars when I arrive on the other side.


I would hate to think what my skin would look like if it was not for my skin saving tool kit!


Check out the full range here Kiehls


Love Kiehl’s!

Kiehls Products
My Kiehl’s Tool Kit